Medical Billing Course Online

AMBA 18th Annual National
                    Medical Billing Conference, Oct. 18-19, 2018, Planet
                    Hollywood, Las Vegas

The Industry's #1 Resource For Online Medical Billing Training

CMS 1500 Online Claim Form Course

Best practices mandate that you submit clean claims!

Most offices submit electronic claims, but there are still small offices that submit paper claims and other times when a paper claim is simply the easiest way to go or may be required to correct a claim or submit an appeal.

All providers should now have an NPI. However, some payers still require alternate ID's such as license numbers or taxonomy, numbers. The current CMS 1500 claim form contains spaces for the NPI and an alternate. You will know if you have the correct edition of the 1500 form if at the top of the form, it states, Approved by National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) 02/12, and in the bottom right corner, Approved OMB-0938-1197 Form 1500 (02-12). 

The claim form itself is split into three sections:  Fields 1-13 are for patient information; fields 14-24 are for procedural and diagnostic information related to services provided; and fields 25-33 are for servicing and billing provider information. 

To reinforce the concept of the three separate sections, we will be learning the information required to correctly complete the claim form based on the section requirements with questions  related to what you just learned, immediately following each section, ending with two scenarios in which you will create a clean 1500 claim based on the information given.

In the office situation, all information required to complete the CMS form is found in the patient's registration form (section 1), superbill and (to verify information) in the medical chart (section 2).  The provider and billing provider information will be found in your billing (or front) office (section 3). 

This course will help you complete a CMS 1500 claim form correctly and provide you with the information that needs to be on a clean claim.
Average Course Completion Time is 30-40 hours.

This course is pre-approved for 6 Continuing Education Units CEUs by the American Medical Billing Association

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This course is offered in real time access. If you choose to enroll for this course from here, you will be given immediate access upon payment verification. If you have any questions, please call 580 369-2700 or email us

Do you need financing for our courses? We have two ways we can help you - Blispay and PayPal

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The American Medical Billing Association was formed in 1998 to help medical billers find the resources they need to be successful in medical billing. We provide resources, education and networking opportunities. We hold an annual conference and provide members with outstanding support on all areas related to medical billing. You can call our office anytime and we are happy to assist you in providing the answers you need. We also offer a free webinar each month that allows billers to earn free continuing education and we often have low cost webinars as well.

AMBA has a Facebook page where we share a lot of information related to medical billing, coding, compliance, credentialing and specialty specific billing. Currently, we have 14 Facebook Groups, 2 of which exist soley for medical billing company owners to share information and network
. See what medical billers say about AMBA on our Facebook page.

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Reimbursement Specialist certification
for Medical Billing Professionals.

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